From Top:
welcome, frog in my brake pad, our first flat tire, fall colors, the big hill, chocolate milk, me at St. Helens, us and our bikes
This morning Greg and I awoke and played a rousing game of tetherball at our campground. It really reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite, minus the side ponytail. We also played on the swings and Greg went higher than the bar! I was so proud. Hot showers were great last night. Donna gave us some great advice about our ride today. Thanks again Donna. We rode along Highway 30. While riding Greg got two flat tires within 10 miles. That was frustrating, but Greg sure is good at fixing flats. I found a dead baby frog stuck in my brake pad as well (see picture). The fall colors along the road were beautiful. It was nice to see after being in Missoula and seeing all the frost-killed brown leaves. We also had a great refueling stop in Rainer where we both downed a pint of chocolate milk (the fuel of the touring gods) and 3 candy bars. We rode up two large hills today then descended 2-3 miles into Clatskanie. Riding down such a large hill on fully loaded bikes at 25-30 MPH was a new experience for both of us. Tonight we shared a large pizza and are camping at the Clatskanie City Park (for FREE!)
Day 2- 40 miles
Your photos from today are awesome! You both need an uneventful day;-0 I will be thinking of you both tomorrow as your ride takes you to the ocean. Hope the weather cooperates! Be safe.....Mom
Looks like a lot of fun! You guys are in for some great adventures. Hope you have a wonderful and safe journey. I'll be following you guys every step of the way!
WOOOOOOOO GO DANI AND GREG! This is awesome, I'm so jealous!
greg, i can't believe you forgot the bob.... i can just hear your conversation in my head:)
Greg, sounds like you are going to have a pretty fun trip, other than actually riding a bike for 5,000 miles, and doing it during deer season. but other than that, it should be fun!! :) Be safe, keep us updated. I'm sure a lot of people will be following your blog.
Craig Oyler
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